This is an image of the HMHS Britannic, sister of Titanic, as a hospital ship in WWI. Image shows her graceful appearance on the smooth-looking ocean. Probably it's near the Mediterranean Ocean. 

This is the original black and white picture which I work on last winter. (2016 winter) And I will be adding colors using Photoshop to it, and steps will be listed below. 

Added red color for the red crosses and the square sign at the front of the bridge. 

Added green color for the banner that connects the big red crosses. 

Added brown color for the ship bottom and also for the life boats davits. 

Added yellow color for the funnels and masts. This yellow color has been verified based on Ken Marschall's paintings and also other references. 

Added color for the background mountain ranges. 

Added yellow-ish tone for the hull of the ship to make it more realistic and give it some vividness. 

Added color for the sky background and it looks really good actually. 

Added blue tone to the ocean surface. 

Added all the reflections of the colors in the water, including funnel yellow, banner green and cross red. 

Added color for the rust around the hull. (according to the black patterns on the hull and according to references of many modern-day ship rusts)

Before & After

I hope you enjoy reading this article.